Level 2 Golf Greenkeeper Standard

golf course in bright colours on a sunny day with a blue sky
Realise Your Potential

Cultivate Excellence & Master Your Craft: The Level 2 Golf Greenkeeper Apprenticeship

The Level 2 Golf Greenkeeper Apprenticeship Standard is tailored to equip future golf course maintenance experts with the critical skills and comprehensive knowledge required to thrive in the golf industry. This programme is perfect for those aiming to launch their careers as Golf Greenkeepers, combining hands-on practical training with in-depth theoretical education to ensure well-rounded and proficient professionals ready to enhance and maintain your golf course to the highest standards.






Level 2 Golf Greenkeeper Standard

Learning Style

Live online training, Face-to-face and Online content 


The British & International Golf Greenkeepers Association (BIGGA)


The following modules have been meticulously designed to ensure that every learner acquires the knowledge, skills, and behaviours outlined in the apprenticeship standard. The curriculum is strategically sequenced to provide learners with a solid foundation in greenkeeping fundamentals during the initial stages of the program, progressing to more technical and advanced concepts as they move forward.

Introduction to Golf Course Maintenance

Health & Safety Regulations and Practice

Turfgrass Identification & Management

Mowing and Aeration Techniques

Fertilisation and Top Dressing

Irrigation and Drainage Systems

Pest and Weed Management

Disease Identification and Control

Course Preparation for Play

Equipment Maintenance and Repair

End-Point Assessment

Knowledge Test

Professional Discussion


Learning Journey

  • Months 1-3: Introduction and Basics

    In the first three months, learners will start with an introduction to golf course maintenance, understanding the role of a Golf Greenkeeper, and different types of golf courses. They will also cover health and safety regulations, focusing on the safe and sustainable use of equipment and machinery.

  • Months 4-6: Turfgrass Management

    From months four to six, learners will delve into turfgrass management, learning to identify and manage different types of turfgrass, and understanding soil science. They will also cover best practices for mowing greens, tees, fairways, and rough areas, as well as aeration techniques.

  • Months 7-9: Advanced Turf Management

    During months seven to nine, the focus shifts to fertilisation, top dressing, and irrigation systems. Learners will study various fertilisers, their application methods, and techniques for top dressing. They will also learn about the installation and maintenance of irrigation and effective drainage practices.

  • Months 10–12: Pest and Disease Control

    In months ten to twelve, learners will address pest and disease control. They will learn to identify common pests and weeds, implement integrated pest management strategies, and recognise turfgrass diseases, including prevention and treatment methods.

  • Months 13–15: Course Preparation and Equipment Maintenance

    From months thirteen to fifteen, learners will concentrate on course preparation and equipment maintenance. They will learn how to set up the course for play, mark out areas, and maintain equipment according to the Rules of Golf. Routine maintenance and repair of golf course machinery will also be covered.

  • Months 16-18: EPA Preparation

    The final phase, from months sixteen to eighteen, is dedicated to EPA preparation. Learners will review all acquired knowledge, skills, and behaviours and participate in mock multiple-choice tests, practical assessments, and professional discussion practice sessions to ensure readiness for the EPA.

Want to find out more

To get detailed information and comprehensive guidance on the Level 2 Golf Greenkeeper Standard Apprenticeship, download our full course material.